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Wooden panel houses are an innovative technology, the construction of which is based on glued laminated wood, which is an industrially produced building material from individual softwood wooden boards of different dimensions, which are glued together.
The advantages of such a house are shorter construction time - up to 50%, lower requirements for the installation of foundations, because ready-made spatial elements are used. Thanks to the properties of building materials, home insulation or any kind of cladding can be done simply, accurately and in a long-term durability. The weight of construction materials is 5-6 times less than that of reinforced concrete, so less cargo transport is required for cargo delivery and less powerful lifting equipment on the construction site. It should be mentioned that building materials have high fire and seismic resistance, the proper operation of the building will last more than 100 years. The construction process is clean and quiet, no residues are formed.

Vizuālais izskats interjerā  

Māja no līmētiem koka paneļiem piešķir interjeram dabisku un situ atmosfēru. Koksnes dabiskā tekstūra rada mājīgumu un eleganci, kas ir grūti sasniedzams ar citiem būvmateriāliem. Koka paneļu sienas  neprasa papildus apšūšanu pateicoties to augstajai virsmas kvalitātei, kas ļauj saglabāt dabisku un estētiski pievilcīgu izskatu. 
Izvēloties līmēta koka paneļu mājas, jūs iegūstat ne tikai inovatīvu un ilgtspējīgu būvniecības risinājumu, bet arī elegantu un mājīgu interjeru, kas būs piemērots gan moderniem, gan tradicionāliem stiliem.


 Why is it important to choose to build from wood? 

By building buildings from wood, we can significantly reduce the impact of the construction industry on the climate. Wooden buildings are able to store large amounts of CO2, which is essential in combating the climate crisis. Studies show that in Europe alone, wooden buildings have the potential to store 420 million metric tons of CO2 over the next 20 years. Although there is a strong prospect that wood will become more and more popular as a building material, there are still some challenges to overcome, such as sustainable forest management and supply chain management.

Innovative Technology

The construction is based on Glued Laminated Wood, which is an industrially produced building material from individual softwood boards of various dimensions, which are glued together.

Shorter Construction Time

Up to 50% shorter construction time. Lower
requirements for foundation installation. Thanks to the finished spatial elements, a high degree of folding.

Ecological Construction

Environmentally friendly and carbon encapsulating building material. Inside the building, the walls do not need additional plastering or plastering. The construction process is clean and quiet, no residues are formed.


Channels are built into the panels, which provide space for wiring and are not visible. Drilling holes for wiring is possible in almost all places of element connections. All connections are simple to perform and cost-effective

Easy to Transport

The weight of the building material is 5-6 times less than that of reinforced concrete, therefore less cargo transport units are needed for cargo delivery, on the construction site - less powerful lifting equipment.

Protection against heat

Among traditional building materials, wood has the highest heat storage capacity.

Absorbs solar energy and 

very little heat is transferred inside the house.

The stored solar energy is released back during the night hours

Simple Insulation

Thanks to the properties of the building material, insulation of the building or any type of cladding can be done simply, accurately and in a long-term durability.


The building material has high fire and seismic resistance. Properly operated, the building will last for 100+ years.

Air permeability of glued wood panel

In order to reduce heat energy consumption in the building, it is necessary to ensure low air permeability in the building's enclosing structures. It is important to understand that the low air permeability of building structures is not related to "breathing of structures" and room ventilation, but to constructive leaks, which can mainly form at the joints of the enclosing structures. The weak point of many energy-efficient projects in Latvia is that the building's air permeability issues have not been resolved.
    The heating of the air entering through various leaks can make up to 40% of the total heat loss. Large uncontrolled air flow also causes drafts, moisture damage to structures and overheating of rooms in summer.
    Therefore, when implementing each project, great attention is paid to this aspect. The glued wood panel helps us to find the best solution because it is ideal for the construction of energy efficient buildings.


Fire safety

GLT wood burning process is stable and easy to predict, massive wooden columns, beams and panels have very good fire resistance. Wood chars during combustion and this charring insulates the internal parts from further damage for a considerable period of time. The ember becomes an insulating layer that prevents excessive temperature rise in the unburnt core of the panel. It is this unaffected core that continues to function during the refractory period.


It is designed in such a way that the building's supporting structures guarantee high fire resistance. The glued wooden elements meet all the latest and strictest requirements, thus ensuring the safe evacuation of people during a fire. After conducted studies and tests, in some cases there is a possibility to save the load-bearing structures of the building even after a fire.


Advantages of GLT panels


  • The low weight of construction structures reduces assembly costs

  • Cut-outs, drill holes and openings are easy and accurate on site

  • Fast, convenient and simple assembly

  • Making elements in a factory significantly reduces costs

  • Loads are applied immediately after assembly

  • Dimensional stability due to gluing and technical drying

  • The preparations can thus be carried out regardless of the weather

  • High fire and chemical resistance

  • There is no need to count on additional time for hardening of the materials

  • The low weight of construction structures reduces assembly costs

  • Lower requirements and costs for foundation creation

  • After assembly, work is carried out without delay

  • During construction, no additional moisture was formed in the building

  • Thanks to the surface quality of the panels, the interior of the wall spaces does not need to be stitched or treated

  • Channels are built into the panels, which provide space for wiring and are not visible

  • Among traditional building materials, wood has the highest heat storage capacity

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